What's New?

Council has been working on finalizing a draft of our new Zoning Bylaw for the Village.

The draft is posted and invitation for preliminary comment is being requested. We will be open for the preliminary comment until April 30, 2022 by email to the office (office@kannatavalley.ca). During the approval process there will be public consultation during the late spring that will give residents an opportunity to discuss with our consultant. Notices will be sent at a later date.

What is a Zoning Bylaw?

·         Primary implementation tool for the OCP.

·         Establishes different land use zoning districts.

·         Each with allowable land uses and development standards.

·         Protects against land use conflicts and encourages positive outcomes.

·         Contains procedures for development permit applications.

Official Community Plan


Council has been working on finalizing a draft of our new Official Community Plan for the Village.

The draft is posted and invitation for preliminary comment is being requested. We will be open for the preliminary comment until April 30, 2022 by email to the office (office@kannatavalley.ca). During the approval process there will be public consultation during the late spring that will give residents an opportunity to discuss with our consultant. Notices will be sent at a later date.

What is an Official Community Plan:

  • Comprehensive policy document to guide land use and economic, social, and cultural development.
  • Establishes a vision and principles that represent community values and aspirations.
  • Sets policies, goals, and objectives to achieve the vision.
  • Becomes an important tool for future decision making.
  • Creates certainty and builds capacity for the future.